
桑德罗·特劳蒂(Sandro Trotti)


1934年出生于Monte Urno马尔凯大区;

1949年到罗马考入国家艺术高中,受教于Domenico Purificato 此时开始对毕加索立体主义感兴趣;
1997年出任罗马第二届国际艺术双年展(SALA del BRAMANTE)组委会主席。特劳蒂的艺术生涯经历了从抽象性语言向具象表现风格的巨大转变,始终保持着强烈的艺术激情和旺盛的创造力,无论是以女性为对象的人体作品还是对罗马城的远眺,都将个人激情深深融入物质化的节奏与笔触之中,形成了具有震撼力的动人风格。

Santro TrottiBecame a professor at Rome's Academia di Belle Arti since 1973.Born in 1934 in Marche,Monte Urno,Italy;enrolled by the Liceo Artistico di Stato in 1949,instructed by Domenico Purificato,became interested in Picasso's Cubism;sketches rich in individual style was published by Victoria Press in 1981;Galleria degli Uffizi Firenze collected one of Trotti's self-portraits;in 1990 participated in Athens Prints Biennial;acted as Chairman of the Organizing Committee of 2nd Biennale di Roma in 1997.Trotti's art has been through the huge transition from abstract to figural while maintaining his keen passion and thriving creativity.Whether figure works of females or sceneries overlooking Roma,he transforms them into materialized forces of brushstrokes,forming a powerful and touching individual style.
